What is an explainer video?

An explainer video is a short-form video usually used for marketing or sales purposes that highlights a company’s product, service, or business idea in a compelling and efficient way. Most businesses host explainer videos on their landing pages or feature them on the homepage of their website. Some even use these videos to advertise their product or service on Facebook or other social media websites.


Every good explainer video has five things in common

  • Short in length:
    Explainer videos are typically under three minutes, but the best ones are often shorter, between one and two minutes.
  • Strong call to action (CTA):
    Explainer videos should clearly state what they want their intended audience to do after watching.
  • Focused on solving a problem:
    Explainer videos are focused on addressing a specific problem, explaining their product or service, and answering why they’re the solution.
  • Match brand and audience:
    Explainer videos are best when their style and tone match that of the brand, as well as the customer they’re trying to reach.
  • High quality:
    Explainer videos need to be high quality, both in quality of production and quality of content, to effectively communicate a brand’s value proposition.
    So how are the best explainer videos able to keep their length short, their quality high, their call to action strong, and their solution simple to understand? They all follow a similar structure.

What: What’s the audience’s problem?
How: How will your product or service fix it?
Why: Why should the audience choose you?

As a full-time commercial voice actor my delivery styles range from relatable and approachable to friendly and conversational. I have over 500 clients in 85+ countries and I would love to earn your business.

I write, produce, and deliver explainer videos on virtually any subject. I hire only professional artists to create the video portion of your project while I create the audio portion in my Professional grade home studio.

You can view some of my explainer videos on my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@davidbrowervo

Please email me David@DavidBrowerVO.com and let’s get started.