It’s always been fascinating to me why more businesses don’t use a voice over phone messaging service for on-hold to market their business or company. Vo for phone messaging is a mixed-audio program of ads, updates, exclusive offers and other messages that plays through your phone system. Your customers listen to these messages while parked on hold or being transferred to another extension.

When done well, voice over phone messages for IVR turns unproductive wait time into a valuable opportunity to speak one-to-one with prospective buyers. You can leverage VO for on-hold to advertise products and services, make special offers, highlight store locations and hours, and improve your company image. Best of all, VO phone service reaches a highly receptive audience — those customers and prospects who are already informed and interested enough to approach you.


What happened the last time you called to schedule a doctor’s appointment or request cable service? If you waited on hold until your blood pressure climbed to dangerous levels, you’re not alone:

  • A study by AT&T found that 70% of business calls are placed on hold for an average of 45 to 60 seconds
  • According to one CNN survey, the average American spends 60 hours per year on hold
  • Americans spend a lifetime average of 1.2 years on hold, reports Woman’s World magazine

As a full-time voice actor and sound designer my delivery styles range from relatable and approachable to friendly and conversational. I have over 500 clients in 85+ countries and I would love to earn your business.

I write, voice, and produce your voice over phone message for your business, you home, even your cell. You can hear a sample of my vo for phone messaging on my website:

Please email me and let’s get started.